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The fraud of the “nationalization of hydrocarbons” of Evo Morales: fabulous businesses for the multinationals and misery, plunder and exploitation for the working class and the poor peasants

The figures given by the government to explain the attack –that Goni would not give- reveal that Evo Morales is the responsible for the continuity of the plundering by the multinationals. Evo himself explained the gasoline import were in 2010 for 600 thousand million dollars. He remembered that they by gasoline abroad for “8 Bolivianos to sell it at 3,74 Bolivanos”. The barrel of oil, which is U$S 90 in the world market, is U$S 21 in Bolivia. That is to say that it is the state the one that pays –with the money of the working class and the poor peasants- the difference of prices to let the multinationals get enormous profits. In Bolivia, the subsidies of the hydrocarbons went from 100 million dollars in 2005 to 380 million dollars in 2010. Now they say that it is not possible to maintain the subsidies… then, ¿who wants Evo make to pay the businesses of the multinationals? To the Bolivian people! This is why Evo and Goni are the same crap! Out gringos! The gas for the Bolivians! Nationalization without payment and under workers’ control of the hydrocarbons!


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